Implicit Bias Training: California Attempts To Address Feelings And Biases People Do Not Know They Have

Frank Kollman
Frank Kollman
Confirmation bias is a real thing. People give more weight to information that supports their beliefs than information than contradicts them.  You should recognize this. Stereotypes are real things, too. Most are based on characteristics that many folks in a particular group might have, but that characteristic becomes a stereotype when people think everyone in the group has that characteristic and exaggerates it at the same time.  In an effort to...
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Some Thoughts on the ADA

Frank Kollman
Frank Kollman
There was a thoughtful piece in the Wall Street Journal today written by Joni Eareckson Tada, who happens to be quadriplegic.  She was commenting on a recent "wrongful birth" case and efforts by some legislatures to legalize euthanasia of people with disabilities.  I think the following paragraph summarizes her thoughts: This winter, the American Medical Association classified obesity as a disability. We need to make up our minds. We cannot...
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Extremism and Moderation: Happy Management Day

Frank Kollman
Frank Kollman
I like to think of myself as a moderate.  On the other hand, I have strong opinions on many things.  I try to keep an open mind with people with whom I disagree, but like Mark Crislip on Quackcast, I do have standards.  Lately, I have tried to be fair and keep an open mind, but extremists have certainly made it difficult. I’m reminded of Barry Goldwater, who said:  “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.  And moderation in the...
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No Wonder Bipartisanship is So Difficult to Achieve

Frank Kollman
Frank Kollman
For the first time in many years, the NLRB will have a full five-member complement.  In order to achieve this, President Obama withdrew the nomination of two controversial, anti-employer recess-appointed members, Robert F. Griffin and Sharon Block.  In their place, he nominated two replacements with similar philosophies, who will be confirmed by the Senate if they haven’t been already. Robert Griffin has now been nominated by the president to be...
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I Would Like Time Off to Sacrifice a Goat and Cut My Mother’s Hair

Frank Kollman
Frank Kollman
I now have a new favorite religious discrimination case.  It was just reported that a federal appeals court has ruled that an employee who took several weeks of unauthorized leave to bury his father in Nigeria is entitled to a trial on his religious discrimination claim.  He had made two requests for 4 to 5 weeks of unpaid leave because the funeral ceremony involved sacrificing goats in the third week, giving his mother a haircut and anointing her...
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Why More Government is Not the Answer: Chill the Champagne

Frank Kollman
Frank Kollman
Today’s Wall Street Journal has an opinion piece by Bill Nojay, a New York Assemblyman who last year was the chief operating officer of the Detroit Department of Transportation.  As a labor and employment lawyer who “dabbles” in OSHA, I found the piece depressingly familiar.  Nojay, who stated that he was “a manager with virtually no authority over personnel,” talked about how union and civil service rules made it impossible to discipline...
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The NLRB Could Learn From the Seventh Circuit

Frank Kollman
Frank Kollman
When my son was in high school, he was a star baseball player.  His senior year, one game away from the state championship, his team was disqualified over a technical rule violation that rational school officials would’ve overlooked.  When the disqualification was reported to the team by the principal, one of the students used a word that rhymes with duck.  No disciplinary action was taken. The National Labor Relations Board, whose goal seems...
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A Fresh Blog

Frank Kollman
Frank Kollman
Yesterday, our new website went “live.”  I want to thank John Armistead of Armistead Technologies for his many years as our webmaster (and designer of our prior website).  Armistead Technologies specializes in reverse engineering (you can look it up), and John had reduced the number of websites he managed over the past few years to devote more time to his core business.  Our new webmaster will continue the high quality website that John...
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