North Carolina Enacts The Most Sweeping Anti-LGBT Law In The Country

I went to law school in North Carolina.  My daughter went to college there, at a school that uses a lighter color blue than the one I went to.  I have family members and dear friends who have lived in North Carolina for decades.  I mention this because I love the state of North Carolina.  Maybe just not some (many) of its legislators, or at least 82 of them.  As I heard the author John Irving say just this past week:  “if you must practice...
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Sexual Orientation Discrimination Covered By Title VII?

David Baldwin, a Supervisory Air Traffic Control Specialist at Miami International Airport, filed a federal lawsuit because he was denied a promotion to a permanent position as a Front Line Manager.  The lawsuit filed under Title VII alleges that Baldwin was discriminated against because of his sexual orientation.  While many state laws explicitly provide that sexual orientation cannot be the basis of an employment action, Title VII does not...
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