OSHA Looks to Keep Workers Cool

Kollman & Saucier
Kollman & Saucier
For those located in the Mid-Atlantic region suffering through the current heat wave, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) proposed rule designed to protect workers from extreme heat may seem perfectly timed. OSHA is a regulatory agency of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). OSHA is tasked with ensuring safe working conditions for private sector employees. The federal agency sets and enforces standards, provides training and...
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OSHA Emphasis on Ergonomic Injuries Increases

Kollman & Saucier
Kollman & Saucier
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has released a memorandum to the public aligned to their emphasis program to protect warehouse workers.  The guidance addresses a common concern for employers: whether an injury should be reported. Some injuries, such as death or loss of consciousness are clear.  Others, such as whether treatment falls within the definition of “first aid,” is unclear.  First aid is defined in the...
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Union Representatives and OSHA Inspections

Kollman & Saucier
Kollman & Saucier
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is poised to implement a rule allowing union representatives to accompany OSHA Certified Safety and Health Officials (CSHOs) during workplace inspections.  The notice of proposed rulemaking was included in the August 30, 2023 issue of the Federal Register. Comments were due on October 30, 2023.  The proposed regulation now sits with the White House in what appears to be the last step before...
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OSHA Begins New Initiative to Combat Diseases Resulting from Inhaled Silica

Kollman & Saucier
Kollman & Saucier
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) began a new initiative to conduct enhanced enforcement and compliance assistance efforts in the engineered stone fabrication and installation industries. The September 22, 2023 Memorandum supplements a February 4, 2020 National Emphasis Program addressing “Respirable Crystalline Silica.” OSHA’s recognition of engineered stone as a hazard to workers goes as far back as 2015, when OSHA and...
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OSHA Provides Guidance on Reporting Injuries from Violent Acts at the Workplace

Kollman & Saucier
Kollman & Saucier
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) released an interpretation letter that addresses when employers are required by OSHA rules to list injuries, illnesses, and deaths caused by violent acts at work on their OSHA logs.  Under OSHA standards, employers are required to keep a record of serious work-related injuries and illnesses.  29 C.F.R. 1904.5(a) provides that an injury or illness must be considered work-related if any event...
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