As of July 1, 2021, covered Virginia employers are required by the Virginia Office of Civil Rights to post the newly issued poster in a conspicuous location and provide a copy of the poster to any employee who discloses they have a disability, within ten (10) days of the employee’s disclosure. This information about reasonable accommodations must also be included in their employee handbooks. A covered employer for purposes of this requirement are employers who have six (6) or more employees for a 20-week period in the current or preceding year. This new law is modeled on last year’s Virginia Pregnancy Accommodation Law, which requires similar obligations (policy in handbook, poster in workplace, and copy of poster provided to employee who discloses she is pregnant within 10 days of disclosure).
Home / Reasonable Accommodations/Undue Burden / Virginia Employers Must Post Reasonable Accommodations Poster In Workplace
Virginia Employers Must Post Reasonable Accommodations Poster In Workplace
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