Employer Not Liable for Failing to Do Background Check on Employee Who Raped Coworker

Kollman & Saucier
Kollman & Saucier
A federal appellate court has ruled that the employer of a woman raped by a co-worker is not liable for negligent hiring when it failed to conduct a background check on the co-worker, even though the employee had prior convictions for sexual crimes.  Keen v. Miller Environmental Group, _F. 3d. _ (5th Cir. 12/10/12). The court held that Mississippi law did not impose a generalized duty to conduct background checks, regardless of whether the employer...
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Four More Years: What Does Obama's Reelection Mean for Employers?

With the results of the Presidential election now in, its time to answer a question I’ve heard from a number of clients today: what does President Obama’s reelection mean for employers?  The short answer: you can expect to see a lot of blog posts from us about aggressive enforcement initiatives by the NLRB, DOL, EEOC, and other enforcement agencies.  In this post, I’ll give you a high level overview of what I think we are going to see. NLRB:...
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